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IVF counselling

Currently pregnant

LISA C, Thailand

"Working with Priyanka has been a welcome surprise and I went into it not knowing how much I actually needed to talk about my feelings and how IVF has affected me. I have spoken to someone before and was not too happy about the support I had received. So, reluctantly as I was really struggling due to past cycle failures , I sought help. And I am really glad I did!


I did not realize how little I thought about myself in my session, I realised, I am the most important entity that I should be taking care of, especially at this moment. I could talk about private fears and the berating I did of myself for not falling pregnant like most women around me, feeling completely safe with her. And in the process I learnt to have a different relationship with myself. I learnt how to deal with peoples question and being able to say 'No' and taking care of myself if I needed to.


She really helped me talking  about and coping with previous losses, and as I have never actually had someone ask me how I feel about the subject, I felt cared for and that my feelings matter. Most of the family and friends did not know what to say to me or did not bring this matter up. In our session, I gave myself permission to grieve and processed a lot of what I had experienced, which was very different than what I had been doing. As I did that, I felt lighter and more full of compassion for myself.


I truly feel that having Pri there as a Life Coach and Counselor would be of great help to women (and their husbands!) who are trying to conceive in this manner. It can be a lonely journey and having someone with so much knowledge and experience, to walk with you really helps. Even if you have really good friends, no one really gets what you are going through.


Having Pri on my team was such a God send. Her kindness, empathy, compassion, valuable insights and continuous support made this really challenging time, so much easier!"

Infertility counselling

KATIE C, United Kingdom

Gave birth to healthy twins

"After sessions with Priyanka, I always feel like a big weight of anxiety has been lifted and now I have tools to incorporate in my daily routine.


Tackling the issues around infertility and IVF are so complex and it’s a subject that is alien to most people.  For me, speaking and confiding in friends and relatives has been tricky – people don’t know what to say, or say something that upsets me so I have learnt to try and avoid it.  Having someone to talk to who is kind, non-judgemental and really understands the sensitivities and expertise of going through IVF has been a godsend. Her honesty and openness about her own journey has been really helpful as well.   I felt instantly at ease with her and even after my good news, I continued with our sessions.  


In my prior IVF treatments when I did not know Priyanka, I was left feeling vulnerable and alone when it came to the anxiety around the cycle and the subsequent failure.  There was nobody to talk to who really understood so I ended up pouring everything out to my husband which was an added burden to our relationship to the already stressful IVF process. I personally think, if you are starting an IVF treatment, its imperative to seek help of Priyanka and her expertise, right from the beginning. 


Reflecting back on my experience before our sessions and comparing to my outlook afterwards, I feel a vast difference.  I'm more in control and generally more at ease with the situation.  I’m sure most women would also benefit greatly from working with Pri as she has a very special way of evoking positivity and strength."

Inf support

H.M., Dubai

Had a baby girl

"I met Priyanka, at a fertility clinic, At that point I needed to decide whether I wanted to do any treatments for completing our family and which treatment I needed as the doctor was recommending a more invasive treatment which I was not ready for.

I was so lost, as I had been delaying this decision for many years, she helped me really understand what I feared and helped me gain confidence to take the next step and helped me clarify what was the right decision for me. Meeting a Doctor is one thing but having someone to talk to and listen to your personal problems is very helpful. Her help was invaluable as talking to my family, friends and husband had not helped me move in any direction! She got me unstuck!


She really added immense value both initially in terms of decision making and then throughout my treatments to ensure my emotional and psychological wellbeing. My husband and I both did a couple of sessions together as well, so we could support, understand and communicate better with each other, which was so important in this time, as treatments can be very stressful on couples. 

And soon after I conceived my beautiful daughter!"

© 2020 Priyanka Bhatia, UAE

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